Climate change tips for gardeners
Posted on Wednesday 11th September 2019

Climate change is frequently discussed in a wide ranging global context and this can make people feel helpless and unable to do anything to mitigate its effects. But there is room for optimism, because there are many actions we can take as individuals to make positive contributions against global warming.
Much of the climate change focus has been on sustainable transport and energy usage in homes and businesses, but we also need to look at the ways in which we can use garden design and planting schemes to good effect.
The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has produced an excellent report titled “Gardening in a Changing Climate” which is well worth reading. While the full document is 45 pages long, the RHS have also produced a useful 12-page summary, which includes advice for gardeners in different regions of the UK.
What we should expect
This summer has seen extraordinary heatwave conditions, with record breaking temperatures for the month of July being experienced in the UK, as well as high levels of rainfall and other extreme weather events throughout the year. These are typical characteristics of climate change that we should increasingly expect in the future.
The RHS lists the main effects as being:
o Longer growing seasons
o Extremes of wet weather
o Coping with shortages of water
o Effects on pests and diseases
o Effects on pollinators
What we should do
The RHS comes up with a range of ideas to both defend against the significant fluctuations in weather events and to help restore the natural balance. These include the installation of rain gardens and dry gardens with suitable planting for different conditions. Also recommended is the planting of diverse pollinator-friendly plants as well as trees and shrubs to absorb carbon from the atmosphere.
Ross Solution Projects has extensive expertise and an in-depth knowledge of plant species to offer through our landscaping and gardening services. We can advise clients, whether they are home owners, businesses or establishments such as schools or care homes, on how to combat the effects of climate change through innovative garden design and planting schemes.